Up:Hiroshi Fujimoto's Home page

1. Resume , 2. Research , 3. Publications , 4. Hobbies

Japanese Version

Hiroshi FUJIMOTO (Ph.D.)

Current Position:
Research Associate, Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan

February 3, 1974; Tokyo, Japan

  • Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, March 2001
    Department of Electrical Engineering, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
    (advisor: Prof. Yoichi Hori )

  • M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 1998
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan
    (advisor: Prof. Atsuo Kawamura)

  • B.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, March 1996
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

    Work Experience:
  • Research Associate, April 2001 - Current
    Department of Electrical Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan

  • Visiting Scholar, August 2002 - August 2003
    School of Mechanical Engineering, Purdue University, USA

  • Research Fellow, April 1998 - March 2001
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, (at the University of Tokyo, Japan)

  • Conference Paper Award at IEE of Japan Technical Meeting, 2003
  • Best Paper Award of IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics (Photos), 2002
  • Finalist, Poster Paper Award at IFAC World Congress (Photos), 2002
  • SICE Best Young Author Award, 2001
  • Finalist, Vision Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2001
  • Student Encouragement Award at International Power Electronics Conference, 2000
  • Best Paper Award at IEE of Japan Technical Meeting, 1999
  • Inose Academic Encouragement Award, 1997
  • Best Paper Award at IEE of Japan Industrial Application Conference, 1996

    Society Memberships:
    IEE of Japan, IEEE(CSS, IES, IAS, RAS), SICE, the Robotics Society of Japan

    Research Fields:
    Control Engineering, Motion Control, Digital Control

    Research Topics:
    So far, I have researched on multirate sampled-data systems and its applications to servo motors, hard disk drives, robotics, and visual servo systems. I am currently interested in the theory of multirate sampling sampling control, adaptive control and switching control, and their applications to high precision servo control for hard disk drives, robotics, power electronics, motion control of electrical vehicles in snowy condition.

    Teaching Courses:
  • Undergraduate Lab. Course "Power Electronics", mandatory course for EE junior students.
  • Undergraduate Lab. Course "Transistor Circuits II", mandatory course for EE sophomore students.
  • Graduate Level Seminar "Control Theory", voluntary seminar for Power Lab. students, but strongly recommended to my research group students

    Invited Lectures:
    see here

  • Society Activities
    Research Committees
  • Board member (organizer), Next generation servo technology for mass-storage system (MSS3) committee, IEE of Japan (2003 - Current)
  • Member, Practical motion control (PMC) committee, IEE of Japan (2003 - Current)
  • Board member (assistant organizer), Servo technology for mass-storage system (MSS2) committee, IEE of Japan (2001 - 2002)
  • Member, Intelligent motion control (IMC) committee, IEE of Japan (2001 - 2003)
  • Board member (assistant organizer), Multi-dimensional motion control (MDMC) committee, IEE of Japan (1999 - 2001)

    Session Chair / Organizer
  • Organizer & Session Chair: "Advanced Disk Drive Control I & II", IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control (AMC'04- Kawasaki), March 2004.
  • Session Chair: "Advanced servo technology for high-speed and high precision positioning system", IEE of Japan Technical Meeting, IIC, Aug. 2002.
  • Session Chair: "PM Drives II", D12, Power Conversion Conference (PCC2002), Osaka, April 2002.
  • Session Chair: "Robust motion control / Fault Detection and Diagnosis", IIC-02-25, IEE of Japan Technical Meeting, Seikei University, Tokyo, March 2002.
  • Session Chair: "Visual Servoing Algorithm", WP07, Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation (ICRA2001), Seoul, May 2001.
  • Session Chair: "Periodic Systems and Disturbances", ThP04, 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, 2000.

    Reviewing Committee
  • Technical Program Committee Members, IEEE AMC2004
  • Review Committee, IEEE IECON2003
  • Review Committee Member, IEE of Japan Transaction on Industrial Application (2002 - Current)

  • IEE of Japan Trans. on Industrial Application
  • IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics
  • IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
  • IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control
  • IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
  • IEEE Trans. on Robotics and Automation
  • ASME J. Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control
  • IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics
  • IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems
  • IEEE Trans. on Magnetics
  • Advanced Robotics
  • etc...
  • Other conferences (ACC, CDC, ...)

  • Last modified: Tue Feb 10 21:38:13 2004